Sculpting Techniques @ Voxel School

General / 03 June 2023

My visit to Voxel School in Madrid was an adventure from the start. As a first-time visitor to the city, I was captivated by its beauty, although I didn't have much time to explore due to my eagerness to spend more time at the school. Nevertheless, the few sights I managed to see were breathtaking. My journey began in Barcelona, where I took a cab to the train station before embarking on my train ride to Madrid. It was a day filled with excitement and new experiences.

For more info about voxel school please click here.

Upon arriving at the train station in Madrid, I was delighted to be greeted by Jesus Hidalgo ( Director of communications ), who kindly offered to pick me up and accompany me to the Voxel School Campus. The warmth and hospitality I received from Jesus and Blanca Mons (Director of Events and Communication)  were truly heartwarming.

Stepping onto the campus, I was immediately blown away by the impressive facilities. The entire environment exuded a vibrant and immersive game art school atmosphere. The campus boasted state-of-the-art facilities, all stylish and brand new. It was intriguing to discover that the classrooms were named after renowned artists and movies, adding a creative touch to the learning environment.
One of the highlights of my visit was the opportunity to meet the talented environment art students. I spent several minutes with them, providing quick critiques and feedback on their work. The quality of their creations was truly impressive, and I was struck by their humility and openness to criticism. Their good manners and hospitality were also greatly appreciated!

During our lunch break, I had the pleasure of meeting some of the other faculty members and founders of the school, who, like Jesus and Blanca, demonstrated a high level of respect, hospitality, and industry expertise. They were seasoned veterans in the Madrid gaming industry, and their insights were invaluable.

After a rejuvenating siesta, it was time to return to the school campus for a sculpting demonstration. This session focused on gradually building up assets in Zbrush to create a final sculpt. It was an enlightening experience, and I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my rock sculpting technique with a new audience.

To conclude the day, we gathered for a round table discussion with local talent, including Carolina Damian(Enviroment Artist EA, Joaquin Otazu (Studio Head de Secret 6 Madrid), Raquel Diaz Herreros(writer for news outlet El Mundo), and of course myself. The opportunity to engage with such passionate individuals further emphasized the unique and vibrant culture that Voxel School has fostered. It is undoubtedly a remarkable institution that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone starting out in the field or considering going back to school.

After the round table discussion, we had a delightful conclusion to the day with a small raffle. I had the opportunity to donate some personal items to the event, including a signed copy of JEDI SURVIVOR and a few extra items from God of War. It brought me great joy to see these cherished possessions find new owners among the lucky winners. The excitement and anticipation filled the air as the raffle unfolded, adding an element of fun and camaraderie to the event. Witnessing the smiles and gratitude on the faces of the winners was a rewarding experience, and it reinforced the sense of community and appreciation for gaming that was prevalent throughout the gathering. Congratulations to the winners of the raffle! 

The most significant aspects of this entire opportunity was the fact that I was surrounded by Spanish-speaking individuals at Voxel School. This provided me with a unique chance to reconnect with my roots and practice my native language, Spanish. It was truly a highlight of my visit. Interacting with the students, faculty, and other talented individuals in their native language allowed me to deepen my connection with the culture and further develop my language skills. The experience was not only enriching on a personal level, but it also added a profound layer of authenticity to my time at Voxel School.

In summary, my visit to Voxel School left a lasting impression on me. From the stunning campus to the dedicated faculty and talented students, the school truly stands out as a hub of creativity and innovation. I am grateful for the experience and the inspiration it has instilled in me.

Huge Thanks go out  my hosts, the students, my leads at Respawn. And most of all to my amazing girlfriend Yaza whose support motivated and empowered me to reach out to voxel school for this occasion!